Beach Essentials

Summer time inevitably  means a trip to the beach. Growing up my husband and I had very different ways of beaching – he being from southern California is used to just taking a towel and maybe a boogie board while I grew up with a little more “princessey” way of beaching – chairs, umbrella, blanket, beach bag with supplies for the day. True story – I was shocked the first time I went to the beach with my husband and his family used the same towel they had on the sand to dry off with. Over our years together we’ve melded our styles – mostly him admitting that it’s nice to sit in actual chairs.

Even if we’re only going for a few hours I always bring a tote with what I consider some “beach essentials” – sunglasses, a water bottle, a magazine or book, a hair brush, some hair ties or clip, and of course sunscreen.

Sometimes we also turn our beach day into a picnic and this cooler tote is perfect for bringing drinks, sandwiches and some snacks for two.

Of course, you have to bring a towel to the beach. These beach blankets from Lauren James are oversized towels and are great for laying out on the sand or wrapping yourself after a dip in the water. Photo ops aside, I personally hate getting my towel sandy.
Obviously you wear a swim suit to the beach but when I’m not in the water I prefer to wear a cover-up and I tend to bring a hat that I don’t mid getting wet – both my hat and cover-up here are from the discount store 5 below.  My final essential is a raft because I love floating around, Although those giant inflatables are super fun they’re not really conducive to bringing in your car so I selected this much more reasonably sized mermaid tail – I’m also a fan of the creature tubes and might get a unicorn one for my next beach visit.
I like to keep my beach supplies limited to what I can carry in one trip from the car – you don’t have to set up a full tailgate or campground but I find that bringing a few extras makes the time more enjoyable.
Happy Beaching Y’all!
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