36 Life Observations

36 Life Observations

Ah yes, another year around the sun calls for another time of reflection. In may ways my life is exactly where I thought it would be at this age but in many other ways it is not. But like Roxie Hart sings “you can like the life you’re living, you can live the life you like” so I’m trying to focus more on finding happiness in the moment instead of always looking towards the future or focusing on the past. This year I’m feeling extra reflective as the extended time at home has not only given me more time to think about my life and goals but changed my perspective on my priorities.

So in honor of my 36th birthday I’m sharing 36 life observations / pearls of wisdom. Some of these are things I say a lot and others are sayings that have been around forever that speak to me. And because life is short, here’s some pics of me in a pretty dress with pastel balloons.

1. Focus on the things you are rather than the things you are not

2. It’s ok to change your dreams

3. Be the bigger person

4. It’s ok to not be ambitious

5. Embrace imperfection

6. Unlike money, time cannot be replaced

7. Know when to move on. This goes for relationships, jobs, and behaviors

8. You don’t have to be friends with everyone

9. You cannot ever take back words once they are spoken. You can apologize but they can’t be un-said

10. Buy the dress you love but have no where to wear, make an excuse to wear it instead of one not too

11. Never miss a chance to say I love you

12. You can forgive someone without letting them back into your life

13. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, someone not having your same strengths does not make them stupid

14. Kindness is free and unlimited, give it out often

15. Wear the swimsuit, be in the picture, don’t let insecurities run your life

16. Sometimes life just isn’t fair

17. You cannot pour from an empty cup so take care of yourself

18. The biggest takeaway people will have from an interaction with you is how you made them feel

19. Your job is how you earn your money, how you use that money says much more about your character than the title on your email signature

20. There is always going to be someone richer, prettiet, smarter so stop comparing yourself to others, it really is the thief of all joy

21. No one is every going to say “I can’t believe that b***h sent me a thank you note”

22. If you hold on saddness it will turn to anger, it’s ok to cry it out

23. Most successful people failed at something before they found success

24. The only person you should compete against is yourself

25. Everything has an opportunity cost

26. Don’t be afraid to be alone with your own thoughts

27. Quality > Quantity

28. Sometimes you just need to get back in bed and be done with the day

29. Losing weight will not magically make you more happy or more confident, these things require work too

30. It’s easier to change your attitude than it is to change your life

31. Don’t expect others to make you happy, it comes from within

32. It’s better to say “I don’t know but I’ll find out” than to bs an answer

33. Praying never made anything worse

34. Marriage (or any relationship) is not 50/50, you have to put in 100% effort

35. The smallest gestures can make the biggest impacts

36. The average person lives 79 years and there are 365 days in a year so you are bound to have some bad days – don’t let them ruin the good ones

Thanks for being here for my journey through life y’all!

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